artyfarty 0.0.1

This is now a fork of datarootsio/artyfarty, the Tadaa, Data! way.

  • Remove superfluous themes:
    • theme_five38 -> use ggthemes::theme_fivethirtyeight()
    • theme_economist -> use ggthemes::theme_economist()
  • Plot all current themes in README.Rmd.
  • Move pkgdown to gh-pages branch and auto-deploy via travis-ci.
  • usethis::use_
    • tidy_description()
    • readme_rmd()
    • news_md()
    • tidy_style(strict = TRUE)
    • code_of_conduct()
    • pipe()
    • coverage()
  • Change up .travis.yml for more R versions and added binary packages.
  • Added a file to track changes to the package.